GRIT Collaborative Performance/Display Agreement

  • Transportation to/from the performance venue or gallery space is the sole responsibility of the artist, unless otherwise agreed upon, in advance. 
  • The installation of visual art will be displayed at the discretion of GRIT Collaborative.  We will meet any needs or requests, possible. 
  • The composer is responsible for the delivery, via e-mail, of any .pdf score and/or parts by the date agreed up, in advance. 
  • It is the sole responsibility of the artist to ship the work to the location listed.  An exact mailing address will be provided.  GRIT Collaborative is not responsible for the funds to ship the work back to its origin.  A self-addressed, stamped envelope or the shipping equivalent must be provided by the artist in order for GRIT Collaborative to send the work, after the showing.  The artist may also pick up the work, in-person.
  • GRIT Collaborative is unable to insure any artwork shown and is not liable for any damages incurred during installation, display, or de-installation.  All steps, within our capacity, will be taken to care for and protect the work on display.  GRIT Collaborative must adhere to strict policies set forth by each gallery or performance venue, for each showing. 
  • GRIT Collaborative reserves the right to use any image, film footage, or recording, documented by GRIT Collaborative, for archival documentation and/or promotional materials.  Any voluntary image or recording sent to GRIT Collaborative may be used for promotional materials. 
  • No profit will be made from any creative work before, during, or after the performance/display.  Any donations received go toward administrative costs, including any artist fees agreed upon, in advance. 
  • We value and respect the creative freedom of artists and are happy to present provocative work, but reserve the right to exercise discretion for the safety of our audience or the requests of our exhibition venue.
  • Any violation of these terms will result in the exclusion of your work from the performance and/or showing.